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Thursday 4 August 2011

Express yourself!

You have to look at this and think 'Wow' or your just not normal!
Lady Gaga has a unique and quirky fashion sense ! All her outfits are different and right now i am wondering 'Where the heck does she get all those ideas from'! I mean seriously, who comes up with meat outfits !  We have to give her some more credit than she recieves for her creativity and for her courage to stand out from the crowd ... even if it is as wierd as wearing an egg outfit! So this is for anyone out there, if  you want to wear something but your not sure if people are gonna tease you ... GO FOR IT! You can really find out if your true friends are your true friends and if they will accept you for who you are <3 And besides , i have to admit ... Lady gaga's outfits are pretty awesome in a random way :) Ps. She is worth looking up on google images and there are some pics attached for you to view !!!! They have even made a barbie lady gaga (as show above this post) in her kermit the frog outfit! :D               xoxox

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